

1996 – 2002

This collection focused on the concept of fertility and the uniqueness of the female body of being inherently and equally blessed with the sense of protection and nurture, as well as the strength and vitality necessary to foster a new life.

Parts of the female body connected to the aforementioned concepts are depicted in the first part of this collection. The forms are hollow and smooth inside, creating a fertile and safe environment for the new life to grow and thrive, while at the same time, the outside is rough, adorned with cracks and wrinkles, serving as an allegory to the perishability of matter and the transience of life.

Then, drawing inspiration from Greek Neolithic idols, closely related to the perceptions of fertility at that time, the artist depicts intact figures in comfortable, everyday positions, conveying a sense of minful self-confidence and empowered pride for the naked female body.
